Insert the code below into an HTML page on your site to embed the video stream from the camera.
<div class="mistvideo" id="cp+8rqqxwdd_95_a664ff018993e519d7ce8f77f7001ed0_element"> <noscript> <a href="" target="_blank"> Click here to play this video </a> </noscript> <script> var a = function(){ mistPlay("cp+8rqqxwdd_95_a664ff018993e519d7ce8f77f7001ed0",{ target: document.getElementById("cp+8rqqxwdd_95_a664ff018993e519d7ce8f77f7001ed0_element"), forcePlayer: "flv", muted: true, controls: "stock" }); }; if (!window.mistplayers) { var p = document.createElement("script"); if (location.protocol == "https:") { p.src = "" } else { p.src = "" } document.head.appendChild(p); p.onload = a; } else { a(); } </script> </div>